Sunday, August 24, 2008

Do I have to go back to school?

I start back to school tomorrow, and it's creeping me out! I feel like the summer just started. But I really had the best summer ever. I got to work at a great law firm and have an invitation to come back next summer (Yay!). I got to intern with the best judge ever, and I gained so much wonderful experience I couldn't have gotten anywhere else. I got to relax a bit with my love and plan a lot of the wedding, taking some strain off my shoulders for this fall.
And all that is great... BUT... this semester is going to be incredibly intense. I have (of course) law review duties to think about. I am doing moot court (yay!) that will also take up a lot of time. I'm interning with a federal court of appeals judge (which is kind of a big deal, and I would really like to devote a lot of time to that, as well). I also have to go to class and study, of course. All on top of finalizing wedding plans! So if I don't post a lot after today, I'm sorry in advance. It's just going to be hectic.
BUT, you know I'm an optimist. I just keep thinking that if I can do THIS, then I can do anything, right? Plus it's totally good practice for juggling time like attorneys inevitably must do. So I'm just going to get it done and get some sleep in when I can. :)
Miss you, family and Dallas friends. :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I had a dermatologist appointment Monday, and the doctor did a biopsy on a mole on my back. I was TERRIFIED because I've NEVER had any kind of medical problems before, and the prospect of cancer was seriously paralyzing. But I got my results back today, and everything is fine. Thank goodness. I kept telling myself that God has taken care of my so far, and He would continue to do so. So anyway. That's my thankful for the day. God is amazing, and I'm incredibly blessed.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just for fun...

I'm doing a slideshow for the wedding and I wanted to show everyone how freaking CUTE my fiance was when he was a baby. And I thought I was a cute baby.

Just a quick thought...

I watched "Amazing Grace" with Micah today. SUCH a great movie about the abolition of the British slave trade. And I just got to thinking about our society as it stands today. Are there "radical" ideas out there right now that we are dismissing as foolish or irrational that will make our predecessors look at US with disgust, as I look at those slave traders? I stand firm in my moral convictions with regard to certain ideas, and I don't think that will ever change. But I also just wonder what the world will be like in 50 years and whether I will still believe the same things I believe today.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Glorious time off...

So I finished at the courthouse last Friday and headed to Dallas for the weekend. I got to see my family, which was SOOO nice. :) I really do enjoy this time in Houston, but it's so hard to only see my family every few months. But I suppose it does give me more time to focus on school. Anyway, so I also made some changes to the wedding plans. I've decided to do a reception at the Grand Heritage Clubhouse in Lavon instead of at the church. I was just sick of trying to figure out how to make the fellowship hall in the church pretty, and it was cheap enough to rent the clubhouse, so I bit the bullet and decided to do it!

In other RIVETING news (not!), Micah and I got a new TV! I was still using an old TV my grandparents had given my Mom years ago, so Micah and I decided to get something new. But apparently we don't have HD satellite, so we gotta get that. AND we gotta get the special cables to hook up the DVD player, too. It ended up being a more expensive project than we planned. Oh well.

Since we got back into town on Tuesday, I had more law firm receptions at night, but we just got to chill out and spend time together, which has been SOO nice. But reality keeps nudging at me.... I've got a final project due for my judicial internship course for this summer, I've got to finish the slideshow for the wedding, and I've got law review crap to redo. BUT, my birthday IS next Friday, and Micah's and my six year anniversary is this coming Tuesday! So that's something to look forward to!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Apparently it's going to rain a lot tomorrow. Yay! When Micah and I moved down to Houston last August I got stranded in the middle of a tropical storm, and poor Micah had to come get me and lead me out of the water. So I'm thinking of not going in to the courthouse tomorrow. We'll see.

This weekend was fun. Micah and I saw "The Dark Knight" and LOVED it! SOOO good. Heath Ledger was so convincing it was creepy. Then Micah's best friend from high school came into town, so we met up with him and his girlfriend, and we cooked on Saturday night. I made crab for the first time ever! :) I have to say, I do love crabmeat, but it's SUCH a pain to get to. It makes eating dinner like this impossible task, and I ended up getting all messy like a little kid. But yummy nonetheless.

Micah and I are trying to figure out where to stay the night of the wedding. I've been looking at Hotel ZaZa... they have these "concept" suites, and they look super cool, so I'm thinking we'll end up there. I keep copying all of Faith's wedding ideas (she and Bubba stayed there, too), and I feel bad about it. But I suppose imitation is the highest compliment, right? Apparently I loved her wedding or I wouldn't be doing mine just like it. :)

We're picking out tuxes tonight. It's the ONE thing Micah has seemed interested in, so I'm hoping we can find something he really loves. Since my dress is ivory, it kind of complicates things because I don't know if I should try and make his "white" stuff ivory or not. Anyway, that will be a task I'm sure. He's so adorable and picky. And he does NOT make decisions well. Oh well... I guess I'll just have to be the tie-breaker. :)