Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I am enough...

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Some days I feel a heap of pressure to go and do and experience.  I make to-do lists of activities for my daughter that rarely get accomplished because of work and dinner and baths and bedtime.  And then the working mom guilt wraps me up tight because I don't have sensory bins created from scratch and scheduled play dates.

I constantly wonder if what I am is enough.  If what I have to offer my daughter is enough.

Because try as I may, I know I'll never be the kind of mom who relishes in scheduling our lives out in thirty-minute increments.  I'll never find joy in a full calendar.  I'll always be a fly by the seat of my pants kind of parent.

And sometimes I believe the lie that the things I do with Grace are more important than the simple act of being with her.

But then I take a minute to reflect as I watch her kneeling down in the grass to run her fingers through the earth. And I catch a glimpse at her face as her Daddy scoops her up and spins her around like a princess. 

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And I remind myself that we're doing okay in our own way.

These lazy afternoons that we spend together aren't significant to anyone but us.  No one's going to rush to pin or re-gram or share any of these moments with three hundred of their closest acquaintances.  But these memories are etched in my heart along with the giggles and smiles and kisses that created them.

And these ordinary moments are what make my life extraordinary.  

So I suppose they are enough after all.


  1. Great post. I think Pinterest and Facebook have convinced us tha good parenting looks like crafts and excursions. And those are great things! Kids will remember Saturday breakfasts and the songs during bath time. I think those moments matter more.

  2. Right on! I don't even check pinterest for those reasons. We do what we do when we do it. And some days totally fall apart, but I still manage to feed and love my children as best I can. It is totally enough!

  3. I agree: I find no joy in a full calendar. I create my own stress by adding to my never-ending to-do lists!

    And, I was raised by two working parents, and I turned out just fine (mostly :). I'm not lacking in childhood memories at all.

  4. Great post!! Sometimes we need to take breaks from the scheduling and just live life! :)

  5. Your kids won't remember the sensory bins, or the crafty ideas. I know I don't. I do remember bike rides with my mom, trips to the park, or a quick trip to get a snow cone! You ARE enough. You are doing an amazing job!

  6. GREAT post-one of my favorites! We also love the quiet moments at home-just watching Lilly explore new things or the same old things but from a different angle is amazing! Her favorite thing is collecting rocks from our drive way these days...and you know what? As long as she doesn't put them near her mouth, I'm okay with it! :) Now, we do occasionally follow that with a trip for ice cream, but that's really more about me and this pregnancy than her right now, ha!

  7. I'm a stay at home mom and I rarely have "fun educational" pinteresty type activities planned for us. These days I just do my best to get thorough the day. If we played outside and read a lot lf books, then it was a good day! The guilt is there whether you are home or not. I think it's just part of being a mom, but I think you are doing a great job!

  8. Beautiful post! Couldn't agree more!

  9. I love this poster much. This is what I struggle with so much and your post caputures it perfectly! Thanks for your honesty
