Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day Twenty Six: A Picture of My Family

Yoo hoo. Is there anyone still out there? I don't blame you if you've given up on me and sworn off my blog forever, given that I'm definitely past my thirty day deadline for the Blog Challenge. But if, by chance, you are still reading, I'm going to do my best to finish these darn things tonight. Remind me next time I set out to challenge myself that I'm really a quitter at heart. :)

So... a picture of my family. Well, my parents got divorced when I was a sophomore in college, so it's been awhile since I had a picture of all of us. So I'll post one of my favorite pictures of the four of us.We're actually at the beach here. I'm pretty certain it was Port Aransas. My family used to go there every year when I was younger. My whole extended family from my Dad's side went, and I absolutely loved it.

This is me and my cousins on my Dad's side who I just adore. (Another beach picture.) And oh my goodness, look at my hair - it's insanely long!
This is me, my dad, and my stepmom at my college graduation.
And this is me, my brother, and my stepdad at my step-grandpa's house. Standing in front of a multitude of dead animals on the wall. Yep, I'm from the country. It's just what we do.

I can see that I'm going down a dangerous path here. I started thinking about how I should post pictures of me with each of my grandmas. And then one with my aunts. And then one with my other cousins... and then I'd really have lost my audience. So I'm going to call it quits with this post before you all leave me forever. :)

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