Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oh How Pinteresting {Healthy Recipes}...

I haven't linked up with The Vintage Apple for Oh How Pinteresting in practically forever, but I'm dedicating today's post to the {relatively} healthy recipes I want to try and make in the next couple of weeks.  I'm determined to get my eating back on track,  y'all.  :)

How good do these dishes look, y'all?  Who says food that's good for you can't be tasty, too!



My mouth is watering and it's not even 9am yet! When you make these, do me a favor and give me a heads up so I can invite myself to dinner! ;)

Unknown said...

These all look sooo good. I love mushrooms, I might have to try making the first one soon... Good luck getting back on track with healthy eating, I know it's so hard!

Allie said...

I've pinned some of these!!! May need to incorporate some into next week's meal plan!!

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