Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I need...

...An attitude adjustment. I'm usually such a peppy, positive person. I think I'm fairly well known for being pretty optimistic and cheerful. But lately I've been so GRUMPY and negative. I think a big part of it has to do with being dissatisfied with my classes this semester. Before the semester started I was so excited about the classes I was taking, but almost all of them are shaping up to be pretty crappy. And since school is pretty much my life, the negativity is just seeping into everything I do. A few people I don't even know very well commented on my un-bubbly-ness today. So my goal for the rest of this week is to make an effort to be joyful. The Lord has reminded me today that I am so blessed, and I have so many things for which to be thankful and content. I've got to nip this in the bud before I turn into a jaded pessimist.

On another note.... can I just tell you how HOT my husband is?!? I think, because we have been together for so long, I become immune to his charm and good looks sometimes, but SERIOUSLY... that boy is gorgeous. God deserves a round of applause for his handiwork. And how lucky am I that I get to wake up next to him every morning?? :)

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