Wednesday, April 21, 2010

For everyone who thinks my husband is a completely normal guy...

When Micah and I are getting in bed at night, we usually turn off the big light in the bedroom and turn on a lamp, so that we can read or chat or whatever before we go to sleep. (Don't read anything into that "whatever"... this is a PG blog, folks. :))

Last night, I had just gotten under the covers, and Micah was coming into the room.  He looks at me, with his hand on the light switch, and says, "secondary illumination, please," attempting to suppress a giggle.  Apparently that was my cue to turn on the lamp.  And apparently my husband's humor is just a little out there. :)


lowrytinam said...

You had me scared with the "whatever." Glad you clarified that. Lol
Love reading your blogs.

Alix said...

That post was such a GREAT study distraction! Glad you found my blog- I have loved reading yours! Congrats on finishing soon! I can't believe we've done this for 3 years!

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