Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thankful Thursdays (Link Up!)...

My best friend tells me that she can tell how busy my life is by how often I'm blogging.  Ha.

But I couldn't very well miss Thankful Thursdays could I?  So I'm making time today because I honestly always feel better and lighter when I take the time to remember how very blessed I am. 

Loved and Lovely

{I'm thankful} that, although Micah's going to be out of town tonight, it's only for one night.  And it'll give me the chance to enjoy Grey's Anatomy in peace. :)

{I'm thankful} that our sweet nephew turned TWO this week and that we get to celebrate on Saturday.

This picture makes me want to CRY!  When did this tiny little thing turn into a toddler?

{I'm thankful} that my husband didn't complain when I told him I'd rather have Olive Garden than cook dinner last night. 

{I'm thankful} to have sweet work friends who recognize how badly we're all in need of relaxation.  So we're all meeting up on Saturday evening for massages and dinner.  Amen.

{I'm thankful} that, as of this time next month, I'll be THISCLOSE to starting trial.  So excited.  (That makes me a freak, doesn't it?)

And, as always, {I'm thankful} to be married to the smartest, most handsome, most perfect man in existence.  Did I mention that he's handsome?

Alright, y'all.  What are you guys thankful for this week?  Link up and tell us!

1 comment:

Anita said...

Hi Ryan,

I enjoyed reading what you are thankful for :) Praising His holy name for all His goodness.

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