Monday, February 4, 2013

Week Twenty-Nine


How far along?  Twenty-nine weeks.

Baby is the size of... a butternut squash.

Best moment this week?  Passing my one-hour glucose test!  Thank the LORD!

We also loved getting these sweet little shoes from Joy and her hubby in the mail on Saturday. 

(And apparently another package is on its way?  Girl, you seriously shouldn't have...) Can you believe I've never even actually met Joy in person?  But she's become such a dear blog friend and you can bet that if I'm ever in her neck of the woods, I will definitely be stopping to see her! :)

Grace's crib bedding also came in this weekend, and I'm in love.  Once we get the crib mattress from Micah's parents, the crib will be officially DONE!  And I'm just waiting for the rest of the letters from Pottery Barn to come in (they should be shipping any day now), and then we can get the wall above the crib done, as well.  That just leaves the bookshelf wall and the gallery wall (which is proving difficult), and then we're DONE with the big stuff (as soon as the glider comes in).
Miss anything?  Sleeping on my stomach.  Drinking as much tea as my heart desires (because I do let myself have some when I want it... I just have to be mindful of the overzealous waiters who like to keep refilling my glass.)  Bending over in the car.  Being able to get up from the couch without groaning like an eighty year-old man. 

But I'll still say that being pregnant has been the sweetest, most wonderful thing.  I'd do without these things forever if that's what it took for me to get to meet our little girl.

Movement?  All the time.  I still love feeling her move more than just about anything.

Sleep?  Ehh.... it's not as fabulous as it has been.  My arms are going numb, so I have to switch sides every couple of hours, and I'm getting up to pee at least twice a night. 

Food cravings?  I've had the most insane sweet tooth the past couple of weeks.  Nothing specific -- any and all things sweet and sugary.  I put away almost a whole package of cookies in about a day and a half.  It's bad, y'all... (but I also hear that it's fairly normal for the third trimester, which makes me feel a teensy bit better).

What makes you queasy/sick?  Nothing this week.

Morning sickness?  None this week.

Other symptoms?  I've got some serious clown feet.  My feet and ankles are so swollen it's not even funny.  Micah just laughs every time he looks down at them.  I've been forgoing heels as much as possible at work and church, so it's been a LOT of dresses/tights/flats for me lately.  (And even my flats are tight.)

I've also had heartburn like nobody's business.  Before this week, I could pop a Zantac, and I'd feel better immediately.  The Zantac doesn't seem to be working as well as it used to, but it still helps a lot.

My nails don't seem as hard as they had been, but they're still growing quickly, as is my hair.  (Don't mind those inch-and-a-half roots up there...)

I've got a spot on my back that's so, so out of whack.  I can't tell if it's muscular or if it's an alignment thing, but it kills me every time I sneeze (which was probably about thirty-five times yesterday, no joke.  There's something in the air right now...) or cough.  I may need to break down and visit a chiropractor since my massage therapist couldn't seem to get it worked out.

Gender?  Still definitely a GIRL!

Looking forward to... getting a one-day birthing class scheduled.  (I realize that it'd probably be a total waste of time for most people, and that's why we haven't done it sooner.  But I really think it'd be good for me to feel like I knew what to expect, and that goes double for Micah.)  Having my best friend to come snap some maternity pictures in the next couple of weeks (which also necessitates me finding an outfit... ick).


Emily said...

1. Love those shoes for baby girl!

2. Love your dress in this weeks photo too, you look great!

3. My ankles have started to swell too-not fun!

Amber K said...

If you have a Dress Barn near you they sell these great slippers that you might be able to pass off as shoes. They look like loafers and are super soft and comfy. My Mom is still wearing hers to work because after she hurt her left ankle it hasn't gone down to 'normal' yet!

Also hope your back gets better! :)

Cute baby shoes and I love your dress!

Joy said...

Look at you little momma!!! Soooo cute! And yes, you better stop in to see us if you are ever in the Birmingham area!! =) I'm still ill about them not shipping my order together! Errrr! Oh well! And I just tracked it, still suppose to be delivered tomorrow "by the end of the day"... okay UPS don't disappoint! =)

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

LOVE the dress and shoes for baby girl! They are the cutest ever and I have to get a pair for Savanna! Told you you would love the bedding:) Can't wait to see it!

Established: 2008 said...

Hope the swelling gets better! Love that dress. You look great!

Brandi Gail said...

You are just moving along Mama! I am getting acupuncture/chiropractic care for me! Mainly due to migraines that I get, but also the chiropractic care will help with alignment issues, etc. I think you should go! It will help a lot! :)

Kaitlyn (Keeping up with Kaitlyn) said...

Can't wait to see the bedding! Hope the swelling and back pain go away soon!

Anonymous said...

You are so adorable!

Just an idea: have you tried drinking milk for the heartburn? With both of my kids milk was the ONLY thing that made mine go away. Both of mine were born with heads FULL of hair, so I had vicious heartburn from 7 months til delivery.

Unknown said...

So happy to have found you! I'm currently 25 weeks and blog over at The Mushy Mommy!!! I am having a huge group giveaway if you want to stop by and enter.

It is so much fun finding bloggers that are pregnant with me. We'll all be having babies together! :)

You look great !!!!

Shannon said...

You are so adorable!!

Nichole @ said...

Those baby shoes do nothing to help with my baby fever! You're killing me, lol.

Unknown said...

I heard that a glass of warm water with a little bit of baking soda and apple cider vinegar (just plug your nose and chug it down) is an instant cure for the heartburn. And I HIGHLY recommend visiting a chiropractor for your back--and take your baby ASAP after the birth for a baby adjustment! :)

Jessica K said...

You look great! And bad news about the feet - good luck for them going back to the same size you were before!! I went up half a size!

Definitely get your back checked out. Would not be good to have additional pain with the already super fun labor pain! :)

Love Joy! Super adorable shoes!

Can't wait to see maternity pictures!

Enjoy the last couple of weeks!

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