Friday, July 19, 2013

A full-blown list...

I'm not sure what's causing this insane bout of writer's block I've been experiencing lately.  I've typed and erased at least four paragraphs this morning, displeased with everything that comes to mind.  So let me just resort to a bullet point-style post, because I really do love sharing with you guys, and that's about all the creativity I can muster this morning.

One.  I haven't actually styled my hair in at least a week.  I have every intention of curling or straightening it every morning (after going to bed after a shower with wet hair the night before), but the alarm goes off at 5:30 and I recognize, yet again, that I'd much rather have an extra 20 minutes of sleep than pretty hair.  So air-dryed, wavy hair is becoming my signature look, and I think I'm okay with it.  At least I can usually manage to get Gracie looking somewhat presentable.

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Two.  Speaking of Gracie, she's had her first full week at daycare this week, and she's doing fabulously.  She seems to be feeling a little better (although feedings are still sub-optimal... any mommas out there have advice on enticing her to take a full bottle again?), and she slept through the night last night (praise the Lord!).  Girlfriend knew momma needed that...

Three.  I think this picture may be one of my very favorites so far.  Her sweet little face.  And that little ponytail.  Kill me.

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After I snagged this picture, I wanted to try and get a video of her sweet little smiles.  So I turned on the squeaky, make-you-want-to-vomit baby talk.  Just watch with the volume down, okay? :)

Four.  I swear to God, y'all... if I get one more Candy Crush invite on Facebook, I think I'm going to stab someone with a pencil.

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You've all been officially warned, capiche?

Five.  Is it sad that I'm already contemplating Halloween costumes for Grace?  (Truth be told, I'm actually already contemplating first birthday party themes and the possible names for Baby #2 [who isn't even a gleam in Micah's eye yet, I promise!], but I felt like I probably shouldn't lead with the super-cray.)  I've never been much of a planner, so this newfangled obsession with the future is very out of character for me.  I think the transition to Mommy may be officially complete.

Well, looky there.  I've got myself a full-blown list.  I'm going to remove the bullet points, slap on some numbers, and call this a High Five for Friday Five Confessionals post.  Go make your own list and link up with Lauren, Joy, and Leslie.

Happy Friday, friends!


Ashton - From Landing On Love said...

Oh my goodness, that sweet little girl is just precious! Stopping in from the link-up and I love your space! Excited to follow along!

Toyia Colquett said...

Not crazy at all :)!! I plan my kids parties right after the one they just had LOL! I love picking out costumes too. Last year I went with the Wizard of Oz theme. Loved it! You should go find my blog from then and see their cuteness LOL! Thinking of a 3 some theme that they can agree on is hard. This year I have officially been stumped!

Jessica K said...

WOOHOO!! Sleeping through the night is AWESOME!! I am with you on the Candy invites. I don't get it. I don't want to play a game. Happy Friday!

Joy said...

She is so precious! All that hair and that cute smile is adorable! I can't image if your next one could top all this cuteness! =) Happy Friday, and thanks for linking up! I hope y'all enjoy your weekend.

Suze said...

She's so cute!! And no I don't think that's bad- I had my baby's Halloween costume picked out before he was born haha. Have fun!


That video melted my heart!

Unknown said...

I have Nikolaus' Halloween costume picked out! I figure I have one or two years until the decade of super heroes! You probably have one or two freebies until the Disney princess era! :-)

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