Thursday, November 20, 2014

Gracie's Christmas wish list...

'Tis the season, friends. Like it or not, the holidays are coming for us, and it's time to get in the spirit!

We're not huge gift people around our house. Neither Micah nor I seem to express or receive love very well through gift-giving, but it's always fun to shop for an adorable toddler. So I made up a little list of things Gracie would include on her wish list if she could.

BabyLit books.

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We've already got most of the books shown above and adore them a ridiculous amount, but we still need Wizard of Oz, Anna Karenina, and Wuthering Heights.

These adorable things.

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This amazing vintage play kitchen.

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via (although mom and dad Santa may already be working on this one)

(And she obviously needs the pots and pans to go with it.)

These hot pink moccs.

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This dress.

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... aaaaand I can feel myself getting carried away here. So I'm going to stop while I can.


Joey Hodges said...

I'm swooning over all of those little dresses! And can I ask for a play kitchen? I know i have a REAL kitchen but that's far less fun to play in because then I have a mess to clean up ;)

Anonymous said...

Santa brought Graham that exact play kitchen last Christmas and I highly recommend it! He plays with it daily. It's stocked with Melissa and Doug wooden food. Yum!

Amber K said...

I love those shoes! I think my niece might be getting a pair now! :)

MKLackey said...

Natalie has that same kitchen - you can have hers. :)

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