Monday, May 3, 2010

My saving grace(s)...

Today was my very last day of law school.  I still have to take exams (ick!), but today was the last day of classes.  While I'm SO excited and ready to be done, it felt a little bittersweet to know that I wouldn't be coming back to school in the fall.

Part of the problem is the fact that I kind of love school and know that I'll miss the learning (don't judge me for my nerdiness), but I'll mostly miss all the people I have met since I moved here three years ago.  I can't imagine not running into them every day or gabbing with them about anything and everything.

And I'm going to miss these two girls, in particular.

The feisty redhead on the left is Amanda, and the adorable blonde on the right is Kristen.  

These girls have been my saving grace during the past three years.

I met Kristen during orientation while we were in the computer help center trying to figure out our laptops.  We clicked instantly, and I guessed that she'd be one of my favorite people in law school.  I was right.  She's sweet and funny and endearing and genuine, and I love her to pieces.  She's there for me anytime I need her, and she always lets me vent and whine without complaining.  Plus, look how freaking cute she is.  She and her boyfriend look like Barbie and Ken - they're both ridiculously gorgeous.

Amanda was the first person our Contracts professor called on on the first day of class. She answered brilliantly and had us all buzzing after class - I was convinced that I would fail out of law school if everyone was as smart as Amanda.  At some point during the semester, we ended up hanging out together, and I just loved her.  Somehow, she manages to be honest without being hurtful, and I love that you never have to wonder what she's thinking.  She's comfortable in any group, and she makes me feel like I fit in, even when I don't.  She's just an easy, kind, wonderful person, and I consider myself lucky to be counted among her friends.  And let me tell you, watching her in the courtroom is a sight to see - she was born to be a trial lawyer, and I can't wait to be there to watch her win her first case.  

These girls have made law school bearable.  In fact, they have made it wonderful.  I can't imagine what the past three years would have been like without them, and I'm thankful I don't have to. So thanks girls, for all the good times!  Looking forward to many more as we enter this crazy profession... :)

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