Monday, November 22, 2010

The last two days...

... have been a little busy. Or actually a lot busy.

Yesterday began with me frantically trying to pack for Austin, get ready and dressed, and get to my Uncle Tyler's house in time for my Mimi's surprise party. We all had a wonderful time celebrating her birthday, and I was reminded how much I love spending time with my family.

After lunch, I got on the road toward Austin. I had to be in Austin today for a work meeting and to be officially sworn in as a lawyer. And my very best friend from when I was a little girl actually lives close to Austin, and I hadn't seen her in FOREVER, so we made plans to eat dinner together and for me to stay at her house. I worried that it might be awkward, considering how long it had been since we'd seen each other, but it definitely wasn't. She was the same sweetheart she has always been, and I really, really enjoyed getting to catch up with her after all this time. And she even made me breakfast this morning! (Thanks again, Amber - it was delicious!)

After I left Amber's house, I headed toward Austin for the swearing in ceremony. All new lawyers have to take an oath to uphold the law and represent our clients with the utmost good faith, and there is an official ceremony in Austin where most new lawyers come and take the oath together.

Apparently it's kind of a big deal because when I walked in the convention center (just a teensy bit late), there were lots and lots of families there to see their loved ones take the oath. It didn't even occur to me to ask Micah or my parents to come and watch, so I felt kind of pitiful sitting there alone. But it was really a neat thing to be there to take the oath, and I'm glad I went. And now I'm officially able to practice law in Texas!

After the ceremony, I had to go to the firm's Austin office for a meeting with a couple of attorneys there. We finished in about two and a half hours, and then I got back on the road and headed home. The drive wasn't bad at all until I was about twenty minutes from the house. There was a wreck, and I couldn't exit in time to avoid it, so I sat there for an extra twenty minutes. But it gave me some extra jam time, so I didn't mind too terribly much. :)

So now, after watching last week's Modern Family (if you haven't watched that show, you really should - it's hilarious), Micah's watching Monday Night Football and cleaning and oiling his fishing reels, and I'm blogging. And I'm pretty sure I'll be in bed before 9:00. :)

And last but not least, I have to send a heartfelt "Happy Birthday!" to my sweet Mimi. Love you, Mimi, and I hope today was wonderful! :)


Jen said...

Congrats on your swearing in ceremony! That really is an amazing accomplishment!!

Ryan said...

Thank you so much, Jen! It was a surreal feeling, but definitely a good one! :)

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