Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Things worth noting...

... I'm nearly done with my Christmas shopping. And the crazy thing is that I've been nearly done for a solid week. Given that I'm always the crazy lady scrambling to finish up on Christmas Eve, this is fairly significant. I even remembered to pick up gifts for the people I generally forget (Grace's teachers, people at work, etc.), so I'm basically feeling like a rock star.

... except for the fact I'm still sick. I got prescriptions for a Z-Pak, a steroid, and cough pearls last week and was told that I have bronchitis. Here's hoping I start feeling like a human again soon. The gym feels like a distant memory, and I can already feel my muscles disappearing.

... We went to my firm's Christmas party this weekend.

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It was a spectacle, as usual, and we had a great time catching up with people I hadn't seen in awhile.

... Also, did you notice that my hair looks significantly different? I colored it a dark red color last week for the party (my roots had grown out to an embarrassing length). I'm still getting used to how dark it is, particularly given that it was lighter than it had been in a LONG time before I colored it, but it's a fun change.

... Grace has been particularly adorable the last day or so. After the hell that was last week, I've been so thankful she seems to be back to her sweet, little self again. Last night as Micah was getting her out of her car seat, she kept insistently saying "buuu-fly," and he finally realized that she was demanding butterfly kisses.  She has also been requesting that we watch Frozen and Brave at night before bed, and she sings along with "Let It Go" any time it comes on.

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... Some days I just want to press the pause button and revel forever in these sweet moments with my little one.

And that's what we've been up to. How about you guys?


Emily said...

Yay for being done Christmas shopping! We are done too...well, we were done. I couldn't find the outfit I knew I bought for our 5 year old niece. We can only assume it was thrown into the one of three storage bins of things for Lilly to grow into...so yeah, we will find it in a few years, ha! Gotta run out on my lunch break and grab some cute outfits for her and then we are done!

Unknown said...

Your hair looks incredible- you look incredible! Grace is just the sweetest little thing. So glad she's feeling better. Hope you feel better soon, too!

Established: 2008 said...

What on earth is a cough pearl? Bronchitis is terrible. Hope you feel better soon.

Isn't this age so fun? Melt my heart.

Joey Hodges said...

Yes! I did notice your hair was different in that pic and LOVE IT! Seriously, so gorgeous! And I love how adorable Grace has been lately! (I mean, isn't she always though? haha)! Hope you start to feel better soon!!!

Mary Beth said...

You look fabulous! I still have many presents left to buy. I always struggle with what to get my kid's teachers. Brad and I are going to Nashville this weekend for a little getaway, so maybe we can get some shopping done then!

Dionna said...

So sorry you're sick! I've been coughing for a couple weeks, enjoy those cough pearls! :)

Tricia Nae said...

I have not even STARTED Christmas shopping. Every year...same story. LOL. I do better under pressure!! Ha. Also...I just did my hair (FINALLY) I went more red (sort of ramped up auburn...which my hair is basically a more brownish auburn) Anyway... I want to go all red eventually! LOVE yours!!

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